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Horrendous as it sounds, there is a very small part of me that loves Valentine’s Day.  This may be for a couple of  reasons:

a) I have been wired by every romantic comedy ever made to intrinsically desire a huge day where a dreamy man whisks me off my feet after 90 minutes of previously hating him, several awkwardly ‘funny’ situations, a giant misunderstanding and an epiphany of love.

b) This is the first Valentines Day where I have actually had someone to Valentine’s with, and therefore the perpetually single Bridget Jones in me is dancing a little jig of joy.

I actually was not meant to be in the country, but due to work cancellations was able to insist, much to the genuine disappointment of the boy, on us spending some quality Valentine’s time together.   I think he was hoping to let the day pass without a murmur, but I have out foxed him and I cooked for him (on Saturday, so it wasn’t so cloying) instead.  I adore hosting dinner parties, and I am pleased to announce that this one went (reasonably) hitch-free.

Menu for the evening was as follows:

Tuna Tataki with a Honey, Soy and Lime vinaigrette (thank you, Wolfgang Puck)

Black Cod with Miso, Coconut Rice and Edamame

Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Truffles with Fresh Berries

As I am still new to this blogging game, my intention was to photograph the meal in its entirety; however, due to the consumption of wine before and during the first course –  I forgot.  Instead, see below for pre-meal preparation.

You can see the tuna tataki, covered in sesame seeds and minced ginger, ready to go in the saute pan for 30 seconds a side, the dressing for the edamame beans and the beans themselves, and right in the corner, the black cod.  I grilled it for 2 minutes on each side to caramelise the sauce, and then baked it for 7 more minutes.  Buttery, smooth, delicious.  The truffles?  After COVERING the kitchen and myself in melted chocolate, I managed to create about 15 misshapen blobs of really rich deliciousness, and the boy ate about 13 of them in quick succession.  He complained of a stomachache as he was so full – I had no sympathy (and was secretly pleased).

The final verdict?  A rip-roaring success –  now I need to start planning the next……